-Three months had passed since my last pertaining journal entry. This is where the story at hand resumes-

It happened! I'm not even sure how it exactly happened! One moment, we were all starving hungry, the next one of the cows had broken up the food shed! Then, in comes Jones, with his four farmhands, all carrying whips! They were going berserk!
Then, that's when it happened. All at once, without speaking, without planning, and without any kind of forethought, all of us animals thrashed out at the humans at once! Every emotion that Major's speech had showed us we had was brought to the surface! This was the time- the time to win our freedom and become free animals.
Well, Jones and his men knew what was good for them and took off running. I looked at the farmhouse and saw Mrs. Jones tearing out of the door carrying bags of belongings with Moses squawking at her the entire way! What a sight!

A couple of the animals slammed the gate closed behind the fleeing humans. Then, it was over.

The rebellion was complete! Without even knowing what we had done, Manor Farm now belonged to us!

As I sit here in my stall, I can hardly contain myself. We are free! What will come in the days to come, no one can say for sure. Now that Animalism is free to be discussed openly without fear of the Joneses, I'm sure we will begin to thrive!

We are free!

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