Animal Farm!

The teaching is going rather well! Since Major's speech, and passing soon thereafter, much has been accomplished. The pigs, Napoleon and I to be specific, have taken the brunt of Animalism on our shoulders. At times it's rather hard for Napoleon and I to agree on what is true to Animalism. He seems to think the important thing is to grow into a strong farm that can take over the surrounding farms, and in turn all of England, then finally the world. He is a forward thinker- but I can't help but wonder if this brute force philosophy will only get us into more trouble.

On a lighter note, we finally decided upon a name for the new farm! Animal Farm! Clever, eh? Also- after using nearly all three months to argue and debate, all of us pigs have decided upon the Seven Commandments of Animal Farm! Here they are, just as they are written on the wall of the barn:

1. Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
2. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a freind.
3. No animal shall wear clotheĈ¨.
4. No animal shall sleep in a bed.
5. No animal shall drink alcohol.
6. No animal shall kill any other animal.
7. All animals are equal.

After showing them to the other Comrades, we decided memorization should be attempted. Unfortunately, only a few of the others can actually comprehend all of the Commandments, much less memorize them. We'll have to start with the alphabet for some of the animals, so it will take much time.
I'm finding Napoleon has a short temper for such matters. He'd rather we were all pigs it seems. I think we need to put together committees that will actually get things accomplished- that's really what will work.

Well, I better go. Molly is conversing with Moses again. Both of them make me concerned. Molly is constantly asking about humans. She doesn't seem to understand that the hardest freedom is better then the best enslavement.
Moses is simply unreasonable altogether! Talks of Sugarcandy Mountain pour off of his lips! It's as if freedom isn't enough- he must invent some fake reality to bring about treason with the others! He would be better off leaving Animal Farm altogether.

Bye for now!

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