"I Will Work Harder!"

Much has happened since my last entry!
First of all, us pigs have a plan in mind. Shortly after Jones was driven out, it became abundantly clear that if our status as leaders of Animal Farm were to be kept up, we would need some extra supplies; rations to start with. Rather then take away from the standard rations of our comrades, however, we've decided to store the milk which is taken from the cows, along with the apples which have fallen due to wind in the orchard. At first we told our comrades that they would be shared equally- but soon after we pigs put it to a vote and decided we required apples in our diet if we hoped to remain strong leaders. Personally, I see no harm in it, and I know neither does Napoleon. He and I have been getting along great lately- I'll talk about that more in a minute.
When the other animals found out we had been using the milk in our mash and been eating the apples ourselves, they grumbled (naturally.) We had planned on this, and Squealer was immediately sent out to squash any rumors. Although he bent the truth a little (saying he disliked milk and apples was a little over the top) he got the point across.
All in all, our plan of extra rations for the swine comrades has gone great!

I talked to Napoleon about the possibility of putting committees together for various purposes, and to my surprise, he not only agreed, but he also put me in charge! Currently, the committees being run are:
  • Egg Production Committee
  • Clean Tails League
  • Wild Comrades' Re-education Committee
  • Whiter Wool Movement
Brilliant, isn't it? Each, of course, focuses on a different group of animals, but all are for the betterment of every comrade in Animal Farm!

Decision making is done at our weekly Meeting. Resolutions are open to be submitted by everyone, and each resolution or weekly plan is put to a vote that everyone has the opportunity to cast in. Although the philosophy is undeniably workable, most comrades rarely put forth resolutions. All vote- but usually it's the pigs that put forth resolutions that have merit (as it should be.) Napoleon and I usually do not agree on the resolutions, as has been the case on most occasions, but a final decision is always reached. I am glad for these debates, as I am the better orator between us (all humbleness intended.) Napoleon is a fine leader, but when it comes to instilling passion in the hearts of the comrades I will always come up on top.

That being said, Napoleon and I have gotten along much better as of recent. He had me lead the harvest when the time came. Speaking of the harvest, how great it was! We got done two days ahead of what would normally have been the Jones' schedule! Also, it was the biggest harvest ever brought in! Animal Farm truly is majestic in how it is run.
We pigs did little work during the harvest as we were busy leading the others. More and more I see that the other animals, although no less equal, are better for doing the lower tasks of the farm. Napoleon, myself, and the other pigs should keep to the leadership roles as we have the brains (to be completely frank.)
All in all, the harvest was immensely successful. During the whole event Boxer coined his now-famous phrase "I will work harder!" He says it whenever the task gets more difficult, or whenever someone else falters in their duties. Napoleon and I agree that of the three horses, Boxer is the most indispensable.

Today is Sunday, and I'm afraid I must go now so that I can be a part of our weekly ceremony. Today I am overseeing those who hoist the flag!


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