The End

I didn't write in my journal for many years after the failure of E-Day. Freedom had become my love, and it pained me every day to see those without it to be under the iron hand of tyranny. Nonetheless, I did nobody any good by being captured, and I thought it best to wait for an opportune moment.

Well, I suppose an update is in order. It's been a while since I've picked this journal up. These last years have been one's of waiting and watching. I've followed Animal Farm as a hobby. Napoleon's regime has consistently gotten worse and more tyrannical with each passing day. Granted, the overall prosperity of Animal Farm has gone up. The comfort level assigned to my comrades, however, has not. Napoleon remains the President of Animal Farm, while all the others who are not pigs do work. Squealer has gotten so fat that it's a wonder he can even move, and Clover has grown used to hearing about rules being changed.

And tonight, I learned, the situation has climaxed.

Are there any differences between animals and humans? This question, as absurd as it sounds, must be asked due to tonight's events. Benjamin is probably the only comrade who could have foreseen this.
Are pigs that walk on two legs, operate equipment, hold whips, and play cards really even pigs? When sheep begin bleating "Four legs good, two legs better" is there any reason to believe absolute truth exists? When "All Animals are Equal, But Some Animals are More Equal Than Others" is there any such thing as hope?

I pray for my comrades. I pray that the day of redemption will come swift and soon.

But what of me? I feel as though I have done my duty- for now. I have been thwarted time and time again by Napoleon. When I helped found Animal Farm, we led together in the name of Animalism. Eventually, that power corrupted Napoleon. When I attempted to free those under his tyrannical government, he again bested me.
I feel as though the only thing I have left to do- the only thing that will best Napoleon once and for all- is to become a Major. How else can I hope to instill hope in others?

For now I am going to leave. I am going to leave Ben & Son's, Animal Farm, and possibly even England as a whole. I hear America has pleasant farms.
I am going to become a Major. I will not return until I am the type of swine who can rise up a new generation of Animalists. When that time comes, Animal Farm, or Manor Farm as it is referred to now, will truly be free.

Signing off, for now,


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