The Battle of the Cowshed

The second greatest achievement of Animal Farm since its founding has been accomplished!

Napoleon and I have been alerting pigeons of the status of Animal Farm everyday, and instructing them to fly to other farms and mingle with animals there. Everyday we see our potential numbers grow, as pigeons have come back reporting that Beasts of England is being sung by animals all over England. And not only animals! Word has it even church bells have been reported ringing our Tune of Rebellion. How amazing! What would Major say if he were here now? This revolution will change the world, I can already see it.

Yesterday is when the significant event took place, which we are now calling the Battle of the Cowshed.
In the mid-afternoon a flight of pigeons flew into Animal Farm screaming that men from Pinchfield and Foxwood farms were on their way! They further reported that all the men were carrying sticks, except Jones (who was leading the group) who was carrying his gun. We knew right away that the men meant to recapture the farm.
We had rehersed this possibility hundreds of times. I have been studying war tactics for the last several months, and have mastered the strategies of Julias Caesar himself. Napoleon had placed me (who is he to place me somewhere anyways?) as the head of defensive operations. I shouted orders to the others, getting them in their appropriate positions. As soon as the men showed their ugly faces, hell would be upon them.

Just about everything went according to plan. First came the pigeons and geese, more of a distraction then a true threat. Next came the line of attack which I led myself. This line was composed of the sheep, along with Muriel and Benjamin. Unfortunately the men had come well prepaired, and our kicks weren't enough to fend of their fierce sticks. I gave the previously decided signal for retreat, and my line fell back. Just as I intended, the men followed yelling and hollering as if they had conquered something. Little did they know! For just as they reached the cow shed, the ambush was sprung. The rest of the sheep, cows, and horses gave the men everything they had. In the heat of the moment I found myself remembering Major's words "Rebellion!" and I flew into a bloody rage. I struck out for Jones himself, but just as I approached the roach he let a shot fire! The pellets skimmed my back, and made contact with a nearby sheep killing it instantly and shooting blood everywhere. I immeadiatly flung my fifteen stone against Jones's legs, and he fell back into a pile of dung. Hah! His gun also flew from his hand! I looked over and saw the most terrible sight of all: Boxer rearing up to a foolish stable-boy from Foxwood! The terrifying horse let a kick go and it connected straight to the stable-boy's head, knocking him (what appeared to be) lifeless.
At this, the men made a run for it. The animals who hadn't yet received a satisfactory piece of the fight decended upon the men with everything they had. It was a wonderful sight: our former captors now fleeing with fear at the sight of us: the united comrades of Animal Farm. I couldn't help but smile, even as the men finally broke free and ran out of the farm screaming with geese hot on their heels.

After the men had fled, I found Boxer trying to turn over the apperently lifeless stable-boy. He expressed his regret for taking a human life, to which I comforted him. "No sentimentality, comrade!" I said. "War is war. The only good human being is a dead one."
Later it was found that the stable-boy had only been dazed and had run off.

After the fight, a spontaneous victory celebration went into full swing! "Animal Hero First Class" was created as a rank and awarded to me and Boxer. I am so honored to have been of such use to Animal Farm! Also, "Animal Hero Second Class" was given posthumously to the sheep who gave its life in the battle.

After some discussion, the fight was titled "The Battle of the Cowshed".
I am so proud to have been a part of one of the greatest victories Animal Farm has seen!


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